Mission and Goals
~ Finding inspiration in every read ~
Since 2009 we have built a strong brand identity with our stunning print publication. This engagement has led industry-leading advertisers to value the exposure of Definitive Woman Magazine.
As the leading woman’s voice in West Central Minnesota, Definitive Woman Magazine features area women, their lives, homes, health, hobbies, careers and connection with family, friends, and community. Delivered with a vibrant editorial on the latest in home, health, style, and work.
We invite you to be a part of the magazine by supporting us through advertising as we share the stories of our friends and neighbors. Investing your marketing dollars with Definitive Woman Magazine is investing in women in our community, and we thank all who make it possible.

Definitive Woman magazine focuses on issues important to women: self-improvement, health, family, career, fitness, nutrition, cooking, personal economics, motivation, home decorating, fashion, lifestyle, culture and the arts.
Definitive Woman magazine presents stories having direct connections in west central Minnesota with a publishing base in Glenwood, MN.


Meet the Team
Jim Palmer
Owner, Publisher
Marketing Director
Glenwood Office: 320-634-4024
Cell: 320-424-1624

Lynn Barton
Art Director/Creative Designer
Alex Office: 320-763-3482

Bonnie Fulghum
Proof Reader, Assistant Editor bonful43@yahoo.com

"The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved." - Amy Tenney
107 East Minnesota Ave • Glenwood, MN 56334
(320) 634.4024 • info@palmercreations.net
117 5th Ave West • Alexandria, MN 56308